October 23, 2009

My tour of Crispin Porter + Bogusky offices outside of Boulder, Colorado.

Tour guide: Dave Kingsbury, the man with the ecoolest commute on God’s green earth. Before and after my meeting with Dave, mostly re: Bcycles, I was at Bioneers up at CU, where I was a moderator of a panel with Mike Huttner of ProgressNow and Duray and Carrie of New Era Colorado, I was in DC meeting with Guayaki co-founders, and friend/Congressman Jared Polis, getting first glimpse of Mall, Lincoln Memorial, hanging with green twittermaster @Twilightearth (Adam Shake, by day), on plane with Gov. Bill Ritter, at lunch with Bill Ritter, signing Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis contract with Naropa’s Barbara Schmid at Mateo, then in LA finally meeting re Walk the Talk Show, hanging with old and new greenie buddies.

Ready for a boring week back home—that is, after I go to Ojai Yoga Crib for the weekend.

When our plugin below is working, or we find a new better one, I’ll fill this info out with links, make it more accessible and interesting, hopefully. Lots to say about Bcycle, and CP+B’s offices.



A fabulous, busy, productive week. Photos (our captions wordpress plugin ain’t working right now, we’re looking for new wordpress photo slideshow plugin that shows captions, usta use [galleria], help!

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