October 8, 2009

Padma Lakshmi re: Bill Cunningham.

A near-forgotten treasure: this conversation between two of my favorite people.

Two of my favorite people: Bill Cunningham was the ancient, ever-curious, gentlemanly bicycling-about-and-photographing “On the Street” Fashion elder icon for the New York Times.

The problem is I’m not a good photographer. To be perfectly honest, I’m too shy. Not aggressive enough. Well, I’m not aggressive at all. I just loved to see wonderfully dressed women, and I still do. That’s all there is to it.

For videos, articles, street fashion and muchmuch more from Bill Cunningham, click here.

And Padma Lakshmi, for those who’ve watched Top Chef, needs no introduction: she’s poised, married to [sketchy] novelist Salman Rushdie, stunning and funny, grounded, powerful, elegant.


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