October 25, 2009

My first Class with Saul David Raye, at Lulu Bandha’s Ojai Yoga Crib in California.

“If two Rishis say the same thing, you know one of them is lying.” ~ a traditional Indian aphorism, via Saul David Raye, pointing to how the only true experience is our personal, unique one.

Just outta my first class with SDR, a two hour marathon on the second day of my first Ojai Lulu Bandha Yoga Crib (after years of “knowing” founder Kira Ryder via articles and advertising, she’s always been most supportive of elephant, I finannnally met her today). I’m still sweaty. The class was a combo of

hatha yoga, asana, movement


kirtan (ecstatic singing of Sanskrit, initially painful for uptight cynics like myself, ultimately fun and freeing)


a spiritual lecture.

Saul’s magnetic, the ladies love him, he’s heartfelt, manly, gentle as hell, and leads a class the way a cowboy herds a…herd. He raises the pace, encouraging movement…and then right when the students start getting excited, he urges ’em to relax, to breathe. He mixes in a subtle message of environmental responsibility, from the inside-out, through encouraging a balance of mind and body and heart and our impact on our fragile, powerful, precious planet.

He’s got a retreat going in Hawaii, with KD and BD, pretty soon. I’m going to look at elephant media sponsoring and covering—and going, along with yoga media master/mistress Kasey “Dr. of Lubology” Luber of yogamates.com, who’ll be videoing and blogging it up and getting the good word out on these great teachers and kirtaners out to the WholeWideWorld.

To join Saul’s email list, click here.

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