October 29, 2009

Yoga for Enlightenment? Booooring. Yoga for Weight Loss!

Judging by the youtube.com views, Patanjali is losing out to the NYC’s fit, fierce Sadie Nardini.

That’s all well and good, but we’re still in the first generation or so of yoga coming to the West. Give us a few years, will all of yoga be about fitness, with a side (if that) of Chanting, Sanskrit, all that Namaste Granola Hippie stuff?

A few years back, I asked Richard Freeman that same question.

Still, in the obese-est nation on Planet Earth, a little accessible exercise, including recent phenomena such as online yoga, for Weight Loss will likely do the body, and mind, some real good. The question is, is “Yoga for Weight Loss” a gateway, or the final destination for these 1,000s of youtubers?

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