November 25, 2009

Help Tashi King.

To all those who read this post, please do one of three things:
1. donate
, or

2. share this article with friends (via email, or the facebook or twitter buttons at the bottom of this post) who might care and donate.

3. Or, both.

Update: Tashi will appear on Walk the Talk Show tomorrow night. The video will be live-streamed, then available in a week or two.

My Thanksgiving Friend.

Growing up in Boulder, my mom and I spent many a Thanksgiving with our dear friends Elizabeth, and her son Amani and daughter Tashi. Tashi was about my age, so we played together often. She was so sweet, and beautiful, and kind, and fun. She still is.

But she’s had some hard knocks. Her daughter suffered a rare disease, and passed away a few years ago. Still, she was the most beautiful, good person—and awhile back she met another beautiful, good person—Bryan. These two are the best of the human race—always kind and beautiful in and out, peaceful, generous. Though I’ve been too selfishly busy to ever spend time with Tashi since we were children, I see her now and again and am always happy when I do. Bryan, too.

If ever there were two people whose wondrous, huge potential was threatened by lack of funds to fight the tragedy that is cancer, it is Tashi and her Bryan. Let’s help them.

I personally am going to keep this article here in elephant’s featured post location until we’ve raised her $50,000 dollars by February 1st. I’ll call my friends at the Boulder Theater, and see if they can donate a space. If they can’t, which is fine, I’ll find somewhere else. Then we’ll call every business in town and get a donation, and have the biggest silent auction. And we’ll get a big band and have a huge party and charge admission and give it all to her fight against cancer. And if everyone who reads this takes out their credit card, now, and gives $5 or $10 or $100 or $1,000, well we’ll get there, I believe we can do it. I’ll call the press, and see if they’ll do a story on Tashi’s life, and her challenge—if ever there was a time when our lack of health care for all Americans was on our collective mind, well it’s now.

Tashi is the symbol of America–peace-loving, brilliant and beautiful in and out, vulnerable but bright and brave, and without us, her community, she and Bryan will have a hard, hard, hard time. She’s already been through more challenges than anyone I know, just Laine’s story read below….and yet she soldiers on with her life. Let’s help. You all have resources and friends and connections. If you can think of a way to help beyond donating money at the Chip In! button below, leave a comment or email me at info at elephantjournal dot com.

Donate here:

Via Tashi’s friend Laine:

As some of you know by now, Tashi Nicole King has been diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. You may remember Tashi from Boulder High School (Class of 1993) or her brother Amani (Class of 1987). Tashi married after college and moved to Nicaragua where her daughter, Xola Rose (pronounced Zola) was born in May of 2003. Xola was born with a genetic disorder called Trisomy 13. Eighty percent of babies born with this disorder die within their first month. However, thanks to Tashi’s unrelenting spirit and her determination to do everything possible to care for her, Xola lived happily until she was almost 5 years old. On Feb. 27, 2008 Tashi held Xola for the last time; roughly a year and a half before being diagnosed with cancer.

On August 15, 2009 Tashi married Bryan Patrick Madden. Bryan has been a tremendous support to Tashi since losing her daughter and they were looking forward to starting a family of their own. They were saving to start building a house on their mountain property outside of Boulder. However, these plans have all been put on hold due to the cancer.

Tashi had a single mastectomy to remove the tumor in her breast, lymph node dissection and a port placed, during which time her lung collapsed and she had emergency surgery. The cancer has spread to her liver and was found in several additional lymph nodes. Currrently, Tashi is undergoing an intensive course of chemotherapy, which will be followed by radiation and likely more surgery.

In the meantime, Tashi continues to make payments on her deceased daughter’s bills. In addition, Tashi’s own medical bills are beginning to pile up and this is only the beginning. Unfortunately her student health insurance policy is limited and has almost reached it’s maximum payout. This means that Tashi will no longer have insurance coverage.

Only one week after having the mastectomy, Tashi went back to work because of her financial situation. My hope is that through people’s generous donations we can raise enough money for Tashi to focus on getting well rather than worrying about mounting medical bills. She continues to attend the Naropa University where she is finishing a Master’s degree in Somatic Counseling Psychology.

If you are able, please make a donation to the Tashi King Fund. Even if you can only afford $10 in these difficult economic times, please contribute. Any amount, whether its $10 or $100 will help. Forward this email to anyone who may know Tashi or Amani, those who have been touched by breast cancer, fellow women, mothers, and/or anyone else who might care. Thank you so much for your support!


Another note from Tashi’s friend, Laine:


Thank-you very much for visiting Tashi’s Blog. Tashi would love to hear from you and get any words of encouragement, love, and support. My hope is that this blog will be somewhat of a big warm hug for Tashi. In addition, she can keep friends, family, and supporters up to date on her health and thoughts.

If you live in Boulder and would like to provide a meal or two to Tashi and Bryan please email Laine directly at lainebopp@gmail.com with your proposed date(s). Changes to the meal schedule will be reflected on the calendar shown below.

I will post information on what they would like to eat as I’m sure Tashi’s tastes will change as a result of her chemo.

Meals fit for a King
Here are some general guidelines for providing a meal to Tashi and Bryan:

– Tashi and Bryan are primarily vegetarian.

– Please provide dishes that you do not need returned (foil pie plates, tuperware, etc.)

– Meals should be somewhat healthy but not boring or bland. Keep salt to a minimum.

– Meals should be dropped off at Jen Bushs’ House located at 909 Evergreen Ave. in North Boulder. Evergreen is about 2 blocks North of North Boulder Park off of 9th St. Her phone number is 303.304.0442 if you have questions locating her house. Questions about meals can be directed to Laine Johnson at lainebopp@gmail.com

Please feel free to email me (lainebopp@gmail.com) with any questions, concerns, or ideas.

Photos (send us your photos to editorial [at] elephantjournal [dot] com and we’ll post them, with credit).

Tashi’s Blog

Click here to visit Tashi’s blog. It’s a platform to send Tashi your love and words of encouragement. Please feel free to write her a message here rather than calling her. She is getting a high volume of phone calls and at this time cannot return most of them. She will be reading this blog and will enjoy hearing from everyone. Know that she appreciates the love and support that she is receiving and is truly grateful. Thanks!


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