November 23, 2009

Waylon Lewis’s post: “Method’s Dirty, Dirty Spoof vs. Toxic Household Cleaners” ft. on Huffington Post GREEN and LIVING!

Getting a post on Huffington Post might be easy, relatively speaking. Getting it featured is hard—Huffington Post featured blogs get a ton of traffic. Getting 100 comments, well that would likely send my latest greenest post to Huffington Post’s home page, which is to web traffic as Mecca is to Islam or Walmart is to cheap Made in China goods or Boulder, Colorado, is to yoga studios. So click here and leave a few words in the Comment section, help us make the home page! Blogs generally die out after 24 hours if they don’t get some wind beneath their wings, so please comment and email this about, ask your friends and colleagues to comment now!

Why bother? This post supports our government’s first attempt to force companies to list the toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that presently fill common everyday household cleaning agents.

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