December 11, 2009

The End: Flight of the Conchords.

Say it Ain’t So Alert! Breaking news via Pitchfork: Flight of the Conchords, still on top of their game, decide to call it quits on their TV Show. For more, click heah–


Flight of the Conchords: I’m the guru god of ganja Ramashalanka lanka ravi shanka la la la la la la la la la la la la

This video is pointless, random, unconnected with ‘the mindful life’ except perhaps for the Indian elephant…er, element—the mentions of ‘Guru,’ ‘Ravi Shankar’ etc. That said, I liked the show alright and it’s a pretty lighty flighty flakey video:

Lyrics, in case you(‘re alone and) want to sing along:

I’m the pretty prince of parties
You’re a tasty piece of pastry
You’re so lighty flighty flakey
I go where the party takes me
I’m the funky monkey junky
You’re a flunky bunky donkey
You’re a picture of the devil’s daughter
I’m a pitcher of holy water
Oh pretty prince of parties where’s
the party now? – I don’t know.
Oh pretty prince of parties where does
water go? – I let it flow.
Oh pretty prince of parties can I come
to your party? – No.
Oh pretty prince of parties where do
you get your clothes? – They’re made
of snow. Pretty party clothes
crocheted of snow.
I’m the mickey Maori minstrel
You’re the high priestess of tinsel
I’m the guru god of ganja
Ramashalanka lanka ravi shanka
la la la la la la la la la la la la

Bonus—the issues:

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