January 9, 2010

Karl Rove, Defender of the Sanctity of Marriage, gets Divorced. Again.

From the Couldn’t have said it better Myself so I’m glad you Drew it Department.

Came across the above in last Sunday’s New York Times. Rove, of course, was the brains behind Dubya and the strategist who pushed gay marriage as a wedge issue, helping to win the 2004 election for President Bush.

Excerpt from Orange Juice (a blog):

Rove, whose stepfather Louis Rove came out of the closet late in life, has a long history of bashing gay marriage.  Check out this Rove quote:

“Well, marriage is a very important part of our culture and our society. If we want to have a hopeful and decent society, we ought to aim for the ideal. And the ideal is that marriage ought to be and should be a union of a man and a woman. And we cannot allow activist judges to overturn that. We cannot allow activist local elected officials to thumb their nose at 5,000 years of human history and determine that marriage is something else.” ~ Karl Rove, on Fox News

So gay marriage is bad, but dumping your wife after 24 years is OK?

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