February 15, 2010

Father Louis (Thomas Merton), on the virtues of Solitude, Faith + Doubt.

“Faith means Doubt.”

“At the center of our being is a point of nothingness, which is untouched by sin and by illusion—a point of pure true and point or spark that belongs entirely to God, is like a pure diamond blazing with the invisible light of Heaven. It is in everybody. I have no program for seeing this, it is only given. But the gate of Heaven is everywhere.”

Father Louis (Thomas Merton) was a great monk, a contemplative Christian, a friend to my Buddhist teachers, and a Mystic inspiration who passed away too soon.

The audio’s a bit off, but the videos are great nevertheless:

A clip from Morgan Atkinson’s documentary “Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton.” This clip examines Merton as teacher. The Soul Searching dvd may be purchased online at: http://morganatkinson.com

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