February 19, 2010

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: Evol Burritos Part II.

See our slideshow, courtesy Timmy D’Antonio, ele’s longtime photographer and buddies, at bottom. If you’d like to use photos on Facebook that’s jolly good as long as you tag it “Waylon Lewis” or @elephantjournal (we have a Page). Any other use, please email for permission from Timmy and elephant first. ~ ed.

It was our first Walk the Talk Show in a long time—a dress rehearsal, really, over at our host Naropa University’s beautiful campus in downtown Boulder, Colorado. I was rusty, my voice a little hoarse from production and the daily grind. But having been an outspoken

1. Fan of Phil, the entrepreneur behind Evol Burritos

2. and critic of Brendan’s selling the fantastic Bear Naked granola company, world’s largest eco granola co to The Man (Kellogg’s), this was one interview I was psyched up for. Here’s part I.

With thanks to our staff, Naropa University, the Dovekins and the many other folks who made this night possible.

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