March 30, 2010

Are You a Svennebanan? Ridiculous Swedish Video

I’m a diligent Swede. I check Dagens Nyheter at least once a week, I know how to correctly make meatballs and I know how to pronounce every single product name at IKEA. Hell, I’ve even got Stieg Larsson’s Millenium trilogy (in Swedish of course) stacked on my bookshelf. But despite every attempt to keep up with current Swedish culture, I somehow missed “svennebanan.”


Svennebanan is the Swedish term for something along the lines of “Joe Sixpack.” Literally translated it means, “Swedish Banana.” But in slang, it’s got the much broader definition of a boring and average person that when they let loose gets overly ridiculous, in this case, at a classic Swedish bachelor party on the ferry to Finland.

According to a little Google.se research, it was one of Sweden’s summer hits last year. So now I’m bringing it to you. You might not be Swedish, but we all know a “svennebanan.” You know, that normally average individual that thinks the only way to have fun and get crazy is with copious amounts of alcohol. Actually, “svennebanan” isn’t even about drinking necessarily, simply pointing fingers at all those beige-wearing, conformists that find pleasure in just being normal. You might even be a little embarrassed to say that you might even fit the description… just a little bit. At least you’re not at the point of buying WalMart fixies yet. We’ll take svennebanans over pretend hipsters any day.


[Note: please don’t judge Swedes based upon this video. I beg of you.]
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