March 14, 2010

Day 2: Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California.

I’m a Natural Products Expo West veteran.

(Yesterday, I was an Expo West virgin).

Another loooong day or running about meeting with businesses. Pretty impressed, overall. Favorite finds: a stylee, truly green “nail bed” company. It’s all the rage in Europe, and there’s already three companies, including this one, hawking their wares in the US. Lying on a plastic nail bed doesn’t hurt—it’s like acupuncture, basically. Relaxes your muscles, wakes up your circulation. Most impressed by the eco-execution of the product, and the style. Photos below (photo at left is at their booth, I’m taking a brief nap with the huge naked lady, obvious/brilliant marketing, who adorns their booth).

Hung out at Seventh Generation “booth” (more like a castle) for awhile, asked lots of tough questions thanks to my buds Mathew Gerson and Jen Sall. Picked up copy of Jeffrey Hollender’s new Seventh Gen book, printed in eco-responsible manner. Will review.

Discovery of the day might be the decades-old, still-family-owned PegGuard. Talked with co-founder, loved the products, loved the people. I’m a fan.

Hung out with Mic Lebel, who I’ve worked with for nearly 7.5 years, since the advent of elephant. Toured the companies he respresents, mostly good friends of elephant’s: Guayaki, Sambazon, etc. Toured the basement, where new companies make it or break it, with Jen Marshall of Fresh Ideas Group. Hung out with Tom of Evol Burritos.

Went to party at night, great band, met up with Freddy who used to be the man behind Dagoba, and had great argument about selling out with Jonathan Raedemaker, probably most interesting moment of the conf. He argued that selling out can be great for the environment, enabling entrepreneurs to make money, start great new companies.

Now heading back to LA with Stephanie Bernstein of To go ware, her new line sports a slogan I made up, she’s sweet in always crediting me: Reduce your Forkprint…after stopping by Expo one last time. A great experience. A great expo. Exciting to see Money and Environmental Responsibility come together. Can always do better, of course, but these are the people, here, who are leveraging business in a fun, brand new, responsible manner.


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