March 24, 2010

Moving Dharma

Our friend Sumi Loundon Kim writes to tell us about Harrison Blum and Moving Dharma:

Moving Dharma strives to wed the moving body with the awakening mind by harnessing the potential of kinesthetic learning and embodied spirituality through the tools of creative movement structures, breakdancing fundamentals, improvisational dance, and small group choreography. Workshops and jams invite engagement. Performance encourages reflection.

Much of the work is an exploration of Buddhist wisdom. From impermanence amidst interdependence to compassion within emptiness, Moving Dharma takes the Dharma from the text and the cushion on to the dance floor. In other forums, movement has engaged insight into group-specific trainings, from urban agriculture to African American history to corporate executive coaching.

For more, visit http://www.movingdharma.org.

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