March 10, 2010

Loomstate thinks back, goes truly fashion forward: (re)introducing the organic tuxedo!

On Sunday’s Oscar extravaganza, one man boldly introduced a new color to the traditional red carpet palette, effectively turning it green. (Eco-fashionably speaking, of course).

Robert Kenner (above, third from left), director of the Oscar-nominated documentary FOOD Inc., wore a custom Loomstate tuxedo made of 100% organic fabric to the 82nd Awards Ceremony. It was the first American crafted organic tux to have ever been made for the Oscars.

Though, technically speaking, it’s the first American-crafted organic tux to have been made since, say, 1945. Back in the day, alllll clothing everywhere was all organic (before we the people thought we needed insecticides, chemicals in fertilizer, poisonous cleaning supplies…).

Kudos to Kenner and Loomstate!

~ Elleni

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