March 22, 2010

Yes We Can


Tonight, many are thinking of Senator Ted Kennedy.

(Nearly) Universal Health Care Reform passes for first time since (Teddy) Roosevelt tried it, in 1912.

What does this reform mean for you? If you have coverage already, not much—though it may help somewhat, even so.

And here’s a great short summary of 10 Things HCR will do for US, via Mother Jones.

But, partisan politics aside, what does it all mean? Is it a good thing that this passed?

I was at Bob Morehouse’s Health Care Reform party in Boulder, this afternoon, where those assembled Skyped in with our Congressman Jared Polis and Congresswoman Betsy Markey, and afterward the nerdiest of us (me in front row) all sat around the living room watching the nearly-interminable speeches in advance of the actual final vote. I asked lots of dumb questions, and got some smart answers…and took some iPhotos of C-Span’s simple bullet points, which I found helpful:

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