April 8, 2010

Soft Launch.

Helpephant! Soft launch of grassroots support network. Get name/biz name, link on our home page + every page of elephantjournal.com.

We’ve just soft-launched our reader-supported system, where you readers and advertisers with smaller budgets can get your name and link on every page of our site…the reader-supported $$$ will not go to me at all but rather to paying staff, writers (yay!) and paying for elephant to be sustainable. My salary will come from ads on the site: elephantjournal.com/advertise

Click below image to get your name, link, and support mindful, indie media:

If you’re inspired to help but can’t afford $9/month, please consider forwarding the above links to, say, three friends or businesses who might want to partner with elephant to mutual benefit.

p.s. from managing editor Merete Mueller
This is about supporting elephant, for sure, but we’re also testing out a new and revolutionary model for supporting journalism and writing. Magazines, newspapers and publishers of all kinds are struggling to find a way to stay alive in the new media age, with more and more people expecting to receive information for free.
As a writer, and as a reader who values independent voices and well-researched content, I’m excited that we now have an opportunity to step up and support the writers and publishers we love!

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