April 15, 2010

A Mindful Habit worth Adopting (if you don’t already).

Two Buddhist Rituals.

Riddle me this: what’s a many-times-a-day mindfulness practice that’s slowing when you’re speedy, reduces air pollution, and saves you time cleaning your home?

Take off your Shoes. Take off your Shoes before you enter the house or office. And, the Bow instead of the Handshake.

Why should you take off your shoes before walking in your home?

Well, God said so:

King James Bible
And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Fifth in a series of: Mindful habits. 

Mindfulness happens in everyday life, in the details.

Another great habit (see the second video, particularly):

It’s a pain. And that’s just the point.


Slip off shoes.

Then enter. It not only curbs indoor air pollution (which is often much worse than outside), but pausing at the door before entering creates a moment of space for your brain before you jump into…whatever’s next.



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