May 23, 2010

Justin’s Nut Butter gets redesign via TDA. And, social-media-savvy Whole Foods listens to customers, allows photo + video in stores.

TDA did one of our covers, back when we were a magazine:

Now, they’ve redesigned our friend Justin Gold’s nut butter line. The new designs are mostly white, clean, yet keep that crunchy accessible feel that I loved with the busier old designs.

Both are side by side, right now, in Whole Foods:


TDA’s a great design firm. They’re fun, innovative, and do great work. Also, they do great work.

PS: We just wish they’d redesign the supercool Hapa ad that’s been the same on our site for a year and a half, is all.

PPS: You (we) spoke, Whole Foods listened! You’re now allowed to take photos and videos in Whole Foods, thanks to WFM being open to customer feedback and being willing to change with these social media happy times.

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