May 27, 2010

The Other Oil Disaster: Chevron Arrests Activists

Earlier this month, I wrote about the “other” oil disaster. Chevron’s big mess in Equador.

Juan Parras, Executive Director of t.e.j.a.s.(Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services arrested after trying to enter the Chevron Annual Shareholder Meeting in Houston, TX. Photo: Liana Lopez

Fast forward to Chevron’s shareholders’ meeting May 26th. Five activists were arrested. Watch this:


More about this from the Amazon Defense Coalition:

Yesterday, Chevron’s annual shareholders meeting erupted into outrage and arrests, as the company barred twenty concerned community leaders from attending the meeting, despite the fact that they came as legal proxies for Chevron shareholders large and small. Chevron management systematically denied entry to community members negatively affected by Chevron’s operations in Ecuador, Nigeria, Burma, the Philippines, Canada and several other nations around the world.

Five people were arrested, including Amazon Watch corporate campaigns director Mitch Anderson and myself (coordinator of the Clean Up Ecuador campaign) alongside environmental justice leaders Juan Parras of Houston and Rev. Ken Davis from Richmond, California. After being barred from the meeting, the four of us staged a sit-in outside, before being taken into custody at the direction of Chevron security personnel.

[Official Press Release]

When will we face the fact that it’s time to cut our apron strings to the oil companies? [Read more about this “Rainforest Chernobyl“]

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