June 15, 2010

elephant co-hosts: LOHAS Pre-Party, Giveaway.

LOHAS Forum, an annual forum of the best and the brightest (not to mention greenest) is upon us again. Hundreds of entrepreneurs, leaders and movers and shakers will fly in (carbon offsetting, we’re sure) for the forum next week. But first, elephant is honored and I’m psyched to team up with Ted Ning (Mr. LOHAS) himself and some great companies and persons to host the pre-party. Come on by, and maybe win a free pass to LOHAS! ~ Waylon Lewis

Pre LOHAS meetup happening at Bombay Bistro

Hosted by LOHAS, Gwen Bell, White Wave, Gaiam + elephantjournal.com

This Thursday 6/17 at 6:30 in Boulder, Colorado

Via Ted Ning:

LOHAS and its sponsors are holding a networking reception for LOHAS conscious individuals and  businesses at the Bombay Bistro in Boulder, Colorado, this Thursday June 17th.

This is a pre-cursor to the larger LOHAS forum that will happen next week at the St. Julien Hotel. Anyone who is interested in connecting with other values-based people and have conversations on LOHAS topics please attend.

Sponsors and partners such as:

One of the leading green media outlets in the country

Lifestyle fitness company that embodies LOHAS values

One of the top natural and organic companies out there

An network that connects entrpreneurs and investors

http://twitter.com/gwenbell – A social media goddess and yoga instructor
These groups and individuals will be providing door prizes such as redeemable coupons, yoga products and other shwag. The grand prize is a day pass to the LOHAS forum. If you have not been to the Bombay Bistro this is a great excuse to do so. They have amazing assortment of unique drinks and tasty Indian cuisine.

Please RSVP on the LOHAS Forum facebook fan page. If you are not on facebook – no worries. Just show up and enjoy the company of others. We hope to see you there!

Bonus: to help you get your Bollywood moves ready, this video comes with props to Gwen Bell:

And this is my fave, Disco Dancer via Jimmy Adja:

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