June 16, 2010

Why: Neuter or Spay your Dog.

PETA: Do you have the balls to save a life?

We know it’s “the right thing to do.” Still, many of us don’t want to cut off our best friend’s ability to bear children, understandably fearing a loss of vim and vigor.

There’s an annual domesticated animal holocaust in the US of A, right now. Think I’m using that dark, horrible term too casually? Think again: about six million dogs and cats (not even including birds, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils etc.) are put to death each year because not enough of us choose to adopt them.

There’s two ways you can help:

> Neuter or spay your dog. My dog Redford came from the Humane Society, which neuters and spays all dogs and cats they give up for adoption. And I can assure you that Redford still has plenty of attitude, plenty of girlfriends (and boyfriends, he can be indiscriminate), and plenty of energy and character. Between the two of us, he’s the real charmer.

> Adopt, don’t buy. You can find any breed, or mutt, or age, or gender, you like. It’s cheaper, and you’re saving a life.

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