June 17, 2010

How much radiation does your Cell Phone give off? Only San Francisco knows.

Tobacco, Asbestos, Nuclear Energy…and Cell Phones?

Via PC World:

Numerous experts and government health and safety organizations around the world have reviewed the existing database of studies and ongoing research and concluded that RF products meeting established safety guidelines pose no known health risk.”

It’s that “no known health risk” that’s the clincher. Tobacco, asbestos, and downwind nuclear testing were once “no known health risk” as well.

For the first time in the “do cell phones cause cancer or something?” battle, the people have won a decided—and commonsense—victory over corporations. Only took 15 years.

Now, in San Francisco only, cell phones will be labeled—much like cookies or toothpaste or, say, cigarettes—with relevant information.

So want to know how much radiation your Blackberry gives up vs. your friend’s iPhone?

Call your friendly local San Franciscan.

Click over to the NY Times for the article.

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