June 2, 2010

The Gift of Forgiveness

All that is, and ever has been, is here and now. 

The past does not exist anymore, it’s time has gone. Holding onto the people, places, events and drama of the past is like carrying around another body, a dead body, with you everywhere you go. There is no going back and changing or re-doing anything.

Life, your life, is here and now. To truly live and feel alive, you must be here, in the present moment; here and now.

There is no point in reliving the past every day of your life. The Universe wants us to travel light in order to share the light and be the light. To travel light, you must let go of the past by forgiving yourself and anyone else that you need to forgive in order to let go and move on. Release this heavy baggage and feel more alive than you have in a long time.

“Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first always.”

Dan Zadra

At first, our egos tell us that we should punish those people around us by holding on to whatever drama occurred between us and them. Whatever it was, whether what happened was large or small, it is all in the past, regardless. You cannot grow if you have not forgiven completely what the past “did” to you.

Let it go and move on.

You might feel angry as you realize that you cannot hold onto this pain any longer. Surely you enjoyed feeling like a victim, and enjoyed the pain and drama that you received from non-forgiveness. Well, the time of suffering as a victim is over. You are a Spiritual Warrior now, and Spiritual Warriors forgive and forget.

Forgiveness is the ultimate form of healing, as within it we acknowledge that the past is both dead and gone, and that we really are here and now. We release others from our bondage and become free in both mind and body as we move on. We may need to forgive ourselves as well as we take the necessary steps to healing.

It is unbelievable the way our bodies reflect our inner baggage. If we can forgive ourselves and others, and we can, we will instantly feel better. Our bodies and our minds will be lighter, meaning actually filled with light. When we let go of the past, we make room for new things in our lives. By thinking about the past over and over, we see those same results in our lives over and over.

So, focus on forgiveness and make room inside of yourself for all the beautiful things that life wants to give to you. You will feel better, I promise.

“Forgiveness unleashes joy. It brings peace. It washes the slate clean. It sets all the highest values of love in motion.”

John MacArthur

When you forgive, you increase your potential in areas of your life. By letting go of the past, you experience a very high level of healing. Everything happens for a reason, and you have the power to transform anything into something good and great. Use the gift of forgiveness to release the heavy weight of the past from your life, so that you may be a better gift giver, here and now.

“Forgiveness is the giving and so the receiving of life.”

George MacDonald

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