July 31, 2010

10 Photos of American Apparel Male Models.

Waylon posts a blog full of photos of American Apparel objectifying Men and…no one complains.

What’s the sound of one hand clapping? Same diff.

Whenever I/we post on AA, which is so often we were asked on our crazy popular FB Page today if we sponsor them, I get questions about why we’re exploiting AA‘s exploitation of women.

Look, I love AA. I love that they’re stylee, sometimes eco, innovative, bold, don’t exploit their workers, and unlike just about all fashion and other such companies, make their wares mostly in the US of A. Sure, they’ve sold out a bit. Sure, they portray women, and frequently, in objectionably objectified, near-naked poses. I’ve written about that, too. But at least they don’t slather makeup on models. They traditionally use real people (as opposed to professional models).But the hipster racket is humorous, sarcastic, too-cool…it’s postmodern, man.

Okay, finally off to Prop Gay, a great-I-hear monthly community party in Boulder that’s open to all. elephantjournal.com is proud to sponsor August’s party out at the Rez.




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