August 17, 2010

Cedar Wright: Boogie ’til you Poop. And vomit. While climbing.

Good Sport

“Jason was just very hungover and has been a total good sport about an epic moment!” ~ Cedar Wright.

Everyone’s seen this “viral,” heroic climbing video…except for us. But, climbing with (as in same climbing gym) Cedar for second time, and having been shown this video here a week or so ago, finally convinced there’s no way not to share this. We’ve all been there—hungover, climbing rock—oh, no, we haven’t. And now, after viewing this, we don’t need to.

There’s fivekabillion comments, but this one’s pretty typical:

Kudos to Kruk for being such an amazing sport about this and laughing at his own misfortune, and also big praise goes out to Cedar who stuck by his buddy in the face of all adversity! You guys ROCK!

Boogie ’til You Poop from Cedar Wright on Vimeo.

While shooting my Squamish in a Day video, Jason Kruk got his knee stuck in a 5.11 offwidth called “Boogie ’til You Puke.” Luckily Andrew Burr was there shooting stills while I shot video and switched his 5d to video mode to capture what is perhaps the most horrific and hilarious climbing experience I have ever witnessed first hand. By this end of this short movie, you should understand why the climb is now officially renamed “Boogie ’til You Poop!”

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