August 8, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love? Drink, Play, F@#k!


From the Annals of, Men are from Vegas, Women are from Santa Monica.

Seriously? Well, I mean, comedically?

Yup. Excerpt:

…Warner Bros has just acquired the rights to Drink, Play, F@#k, the comedic salvo to Gilbert’s self-help manifesto. Drink, by funnyman Andrew Gottleib, tells the fictional story of Bob Sullivan, a man who, after his wife leaves him, “goes on a bender in Ireland, takes a gambling jaunt to Las Vegas, and a embarks on a sex-tourism trip to Thailand.”

Drink isn’t out until next year (on Grove Press), while the filmic production of Eat, starring Julia Roberts, is already underway. But we pop-culture seers at EW predict an inevitable battle of morals that eclipses even the battle of the sexes: those who buy into Gilbert’s brand of spiritual succor, or those would rather tango with a succubus (while ripped to the gills, naturally)…read the rest, including mention that they hope Vince Vaughn will play title character in hypothetical movie.

All laughs aside, not sure the massively corrupt, heartbreaking, depressing sex trade in Thailand is all that funny for anyone concerned. And we should allll be concerned.

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