August 2, 2010

Ocean Voices. Wow.

photo: flickr.com | cuba gallery

This is quite an amazing recording by California Academy of Sciences about the oceans. Grabs at my heart.

…being in the ocean feels like being hugged… free… letting the waves roll off my body…

Listen here. Be patient. It starts in silence.

What would the world be without the oceans?

What does the ocean mean to you? What did you feel/think when you listened to this recording? Add your voice at OceanVoices.org.

About OceanVoices.org. Sound artist Halsey Burgund and marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols joined forces to collect the voices of people around the world recounting their personal experiences with the ocean. Combined with music written by Halsey, these voices become an integral part of the new musical composition and audio collages which listeners can create to suit their own preferences. Help by sharing your voice and spreading the words of all participants around the globe.

Please share far and wide!

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