From Mat to Art Gallery: Spiritual and Physical Inspiration
Taking inspiration from the power of being human, Brooklyn based artist Orlando Dominguez has created a series of yoga asana sculptures. The graceful lines and playful colors combine with artistry and expertise to produce works of art that are motivated from a personal physical and spiritual practice.
Orlando’s yoga asana sculptures are a lyrical representation that is colorful, fun and available to all. Transferring skills learned in the textile industry and fashion design, Orlando uses heat to access the melting point of the steel to twist, turn, bend, and make it into something loose and flowing. This process is similar to what each individual does during their own time on the mat.
With colors inspired by the chakras this series has a deeper meaning and spiritual component which reflects Orlando’s personal experience with yoga. “These sculptures are a snapshot…They capture a moment…a moment of change as you go from one asana to the next.”
To learn more of the what and why behind the art directly from Orlando listen to this interview.
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This Friday Orlando’s “Pink Chic” Chair is being auctioned off at the Angel Street Thrift Shop (118 West 17 St, New York) as part of Fashion’s Night Out. Angel Street Thrift Shop turns Manhattanite’s designer clothing and furniture into cash to help those affected by substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and mental illness. “Pink Chic” is a Reproduction Victorian Chair with an updated twist: Repurposed Suede, Repurposed Hair on Hide, Acrylic Paint and Metal Tacks.
You can find Orlando on his website, on Twitter @GIN_Designsand on Facebook G-I-N Designs.
Shout out to Yoga Rants and Raves for bringing Orlando’s work to my attention.
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