Even though I travel all over the world there are still parts of the U.S.A that I have never visited.
I always wanted to see Colorado and this Fall I was schedule to have my first visit to Denver. But then the yoga center that originally was going to host me had a terrible fire and did not re-open. I thought about canceling the trip, but luckily Samadhi Yoga Center offered to arrange things at the last minute. I am grateful for their open-hearted welcome and I will thankfully get to see a bit of Colorado.
Check out the details below:
Saturday & Sunday
October 9th and 10th
Samadhi Center for Yoga
639 East 19th Avenue
Denver 80203
Full Details:
Saturday, October 9th
10 AM – 12 PM Guided Ashtanga Full Primary Series
2-4 PM Workshop: Arm Balances for Everyone
Break a sweat while learning to safely balance on your hands, have fun while challenging yourself and gain access to your own inner strength. The magic of the arm balance is demystified and made approachable so that every practitioner who is not afraid to put in the work can feel the beauty of flight. When done correctly arm balances can build self-esteem, increase energy flow and heal old injuries. Every student will leave with proven techniques to safely build the structural support necessary for stability in all strength based postures.
Sunday, October 10th
8 – 10 AM Mysore
12 – 2 PM Workshop: The Spiritual Journey of Asana
Yoga is a daily practice that demands our full devotion before we can begin to even scratch the surface of its deeper meaning as a lifelong spiritual path. Kino leads you through a discussion of key elements of the sacred, foundational text of yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Rather than a historical account Kino integrates yoga philosophy with daily asana practice and modern life. Written more than 2,000 years ago the teaching of Patanjali is composed of 195 Sutras organized in four books and holds the essence of the eight-limbed path of Asthanga Yoga. By exploring the basis of physical yoga postures and methodology for spiritual learning in the Yoga Sutras you will delve deeper into the process of self-realization, the true intention of all hatha yoga.
Individual Sessions: $5o
Whole Weekend: $165
To register please call Samadhi at 303-860-9642
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