September 21, 2010

Mountaintops…who needs ’em?!

All these years I thought mountains were majestic. That we could climb them, but not move them. Turns out I was only half right.

Photo: hopifriendseducation.org

800 to 1000 feet blasted from the tops of mountains.

Our purple mountain majesties. Desecrated. All in the name of coal.

Brace yourself before watching this video from EarthJustice:

There you have it. Coal companies use explosives to detonate as much as 800 to 1000 feet off the tops of mountains in order to reach the coal seams that lie underneath. Strip mining for coal. Gotta love it. This could be good news for mountain climbers, though. They won’t have to climb quite as high to reach the top.

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” ~Sir Edmund Hillary

Beautiful quote. But I suppose it needs to be updated to…

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