October 28, 2010

How to make the infamously noisy Sun Chips compostable bag silent in 3 easy steps.

Earlier this year, Sun Chips became the first high-profile food company to get eco-responsible in its packaging—forgoing perma-plastic, which is related to that swirling island in the middle of the Pacific and fun things like cancer and babies with messed up bodies—for a compostable bag.

But snack-loving Americans protested from couches everywhere: the bag was too damn noisy. So Sun Chips caved, eliminating the crazy-loud compostable bag from all but its original flavor (which I’m eating right now, nom nom nom/numa numa numa).

So we here at elephant, over the course of the last few months, inspired by Bag It, have donned our white lab coats and worked night and day, searching for a solution.

With thanks for the grant from Future Generations Who Don’t Want To Be Buried In Permanent Packaging Designed For A One-Time Use, we’ve finally arrived at a solution. It wasn’t easy, but here goes.

Please: be sure to follow steps carefully:

1. Get Bowl.

2. Open Sun Chips Bag.

3. Put Sun Chips in bowl.

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