November 3, 2010

5 Simple Ways that Even You Can Support a New Mama Today!

Yes! Even You Can Support a New Mama Today!

New Mamas need nourishment. Their bodies have labored to birth their baby. Now their bodies work to nourish their babies with Mama milk and Mama love.

Who nourishes Mama? We do! All of us! You and me! Together we nourish Mama.

If you know a new Mama, you can offer nourishment, support and love to her. She will be most appreciative. Today, families are often geographically separated which make consistent ongoing nurturing needs of new Mama a challenge to meet. But, even friends can help Mama make the transition into motherhood with ease and grace. Here’s how:

  1. Find out what she needs. – Give her a call and ask her how you can help her. Frequently, moms are shy about asking others for assistance, even when they really could use it! When you find out what she needs, she feels your love and warmth, is nurtured, and better able to care for her child. She might just need to talk or process her birth experience. She might need help in her home or just to know that you care.
  2. Surprise her with a meal. – If you know mom’s food preferences, go ahead and surprise her and her family with a home cooked meal. Time and energy dwindle with the intense demands of a newborn and nourishing meals are often left on the wayside. This is a time when mom needs to eat well, so that her baby receives the nutrients she needs through breastmilk. Organize a meal delivery with your circle of friends and family. Crockpots make delicious all-in-one meals!
  3. Offer to hold the baby. – The first three months of baby’s life outside the womb is called the fourth trimester. They are adjusting to life outside the womb and as they do, they need close contact with Mama and other loved ones. They prefer to be held and feel the warmth of others as their little bodies, minds and spirits adjust and settle into life on Earth. Offer to visit Mama and hold the baby so that she can have a bit of self care time to bathe or rest.
  4. Hire a housecleaner. – In addition to meal preparation taking a spot on the back burner or no burner at all, housekeeping becomes a task of the past. Dust collects, clothes overflow the hamper, and dishes fill the sink. If you are in a financial situation to do so, hire her a housecleaner! She will be overjoyed!
  5. Gift her with healing bodywork. – Mama’s body has just been challenged with the greatest athletic event of her entire life. Birthing is an athletic event! Her muscles ache, her physical body may be wounded and healing; her emotions may be chaotic as she adjusts to the demands of motherhood. She probably could use loving touch and energy healing. When Mama feels nurtured, she is better able to nurture her baby. Energy healing will do just that. It will heal her energy, lift her spirit, and give her a boost. Help her create postpartum bliss instead of the postpartum blues. Gift her a session and offer to babysit!

Let us honor our mothers today and show our appreciation to them for bringing life to our Earth. Whether the Mama you know is mothering a 1 week old or a 1 year old, she will be grateful for the effort and care that you offer. Let us take good care of our sweet mothers today, so that they may take good care of our sweet children of the Earth. There are all of our children and our future, let us welcome them with love, so that they may feel, know and be love.

Farewell postpartum blues, hello postpartum bliss!

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