November 27, 2010

Help Yourself Out.~ Brittany

5 Reasons to Eat Organic.

I love pure food…It’s one of those things that makes me warm & fuzzy inside. Corny, I know…But, there is something about a luscious, ripe, organic tomato. I believe it’s the honesty in which it stands for. The certainty of that tomato being filled with 100% uncontaminated, clean nutrients on which my very own body will benefit is pure unadulterated bliss. Aside from my borderline, passionately creepy drive to eat organic food, there are more valuable reasons here that hopefully spark your organic appetite too.
  1. Extensive studies point to organically grown fruits & vegetables containing much more vital nutrients than those that are conventionally farmed.
  2. Organic produce is free from the chemicals that weaken our bodies & cause disease, like toxic pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.  The results? A healthier you. It should be assumed that food free of chemicals is likely more beneficial to your body.
  3. If you are keen on going green, eating organic is even a healthier choice for our environment. According to a study by Cornell University,  30% of the world’s soil has been destroyed due to erosion. Organic farms reduce erosion, as well as toxic runoff by cultivating chemical-free, nutrient-rich soil, full of microorganisms and earthworms which keep crops healthy & less susceptible to disease. Mother Nature’s disease-fighting organisms simply cannot live in soil saturated with toxic chemicals.
  4. Organic food does not use GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms. GMO’s have been under close scrutiny, largely since this biotechnology is completely unnatural. GMO’s are potentially harmful to our health. Read about why you should say no to GMO’s.
  5. The most important reason, I believe: Do it for yourself. You have the facts, the criticisms, and most importantly the will to change. Being aware of what you put in your body has become increasingly important since there are chemicals & toxins permitted by the FDA for use in the conventional manufacturing of food that are harmful to human & animal life. Your health has to be worth the extra dollar or two, right?
Thank you to Campus Project for the photo.
Brittany has been practicing yoga, on & off the mat, since 2009 & is currently enrolled in a teacher certification program in NJ. Her path largely involves the practice of Ashtanga yoga, which she feels endless gratitude for guiding her toward self-acceptance & awareness, something Brittany feels is key to living a peaceful existence.  Brittany is a lover of all things organic, & is quite a passionate foodie when it comes to healthy eating.  You can find more of Brittany’s yoga-related publications on her personal blog, Peace. Love. Yoga.  When she’s not practicing yoga, Brittany is most likely planning her next photography shoot where she photographs portraits of pregnancy to child life.
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