December 6, 2010


Groupon unleashes your Inner Slut, half-price!

I get a groupon email in my inbox…selling Pole Dancing Classes. it seems…inappropriate. Tacky. So I mention it to Team elephant and…Alex had done it. She’d loved it.

“It’s like Dance Class, only you learn how to Dance on a Pole.” ~ Alex

But isn’t it kinda…degraded?

“No, we did it to Norah Jones.” ~ Alex

Pole Dancing 101…Flirty Girl Fitness…go with your girlfriends…practice your lapdance…it’s great exercise.

And, more importantly, it’s fun!

Ever wanted to watch a bunch of lady-strangers practice their strip-tease? Half-price, buy today!

Too bad Groupon ain’t offering the double-weight Shakeweight…for men.

Or, slightly less hysterically, or perhaps more…for women:

Or, for cartoon children:

Strip Clubbin’ for Suburbanites.

I don’t approve. I catch my future daughter or hypothetical sisters do this, I say hellll no. But Alex is wholesome, well-adjusted…she loved it…she says it’s mostly older ladies in the classes, and assures the curious that you’ll never get a better workout while wearing high heels!

Ohhhh, America, land of the ever-relaxing Morality.

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