December 28, 2010

Spirituality as Fashion.

From Jon Stewart’s Earth. Used by personal permission of Mr. Stewart—he and I play frisbee golf together Mondays. ~ ed.

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We’ve lauded spiritual materialism as being one of the best ways to protect the ego from reality?

Why grow up when you can go shopping?

Our pompous, self-proclaimed Dharma Brat editor (yours truly) has made fun of mala-wearers and om tattooers and all others who would go about proclaiming their spirituality. That’s his right, and your privilege.

But now, thanks to Jon Stewart’s Earth, we’re reminded that it ain’t just fair-weather-liberal-Whole Foods-trustafarian-dread-locked hippiesters who are into conspicuous-consumption-for-the-greater-good. From Eye-talians (like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever) to the above hard-to-look-at friend of Mr. Stewart’s, our non-heathen brothers and sisters, we’re reminded, have long loved to place Christ just to the right and below their heart.

You know, in their cleavage.

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