December 23, 2010

Will A Sustainable America Ever Be Within Reach?

That’s the question at the heart of Within Reach, an in-the-works documentary about two people who sell whatever doesn’t fit on their bikes and travel across America touring sustainable communities. They’re walking their talk about finding creative, grassroots, cooperative ways to do things by funding their project through micro-donations of a $1 or more. They’re only about $600 short of the $25,000 it will take to fully fund the movie.

Here’s a bit from the film’s website, where you can support the filmmakers’ attempt to highlight more sustainable ways of doing things. In addition to a $1 tip of the hat, you can help get the word out about the film and its unique way of finding funds

Within Reach Movie documents a pedal-powered search for a place to call home in a sustainable community. Mandy and Ryan traded in their house and cars for a tent and bicycles to “bike-pack” 6,500 around the USA to visit 100 sustainable communities, looking around as they looked within. This journey and film has answers the questions many of us are wondering: “Is it possible for all of us to live in a sustainable way?”, “what would the world look like if each of us simply did what we loved?” After circling the country, and talking with over 20,000 people they have found that not only is it possible but this is already underway.

Beyond all this, the film is an educational and inspirational documentary about the joys and challenges of working together in our local communities to create a more regenerative way to live. This film will spread the positive message that the world is already rapidly changing for the better, and that we all can help make a difference starting right where we’re at. This story also also serves as real life evidence that you can manifest what you need, sometimes seemingly miraculously, through maintaining a positive attitude.

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