I like to think of myself as a tree.
As a tree I am connected to the essential elements of existence. Through the roots I connect down deep into the earth, and through leaves I take in the sun’s energy. I flourish as a tree. As a tree I turn inward to experience my internal flow. Water and nutrients come up through me (I feel this), and sunrays descend and bless me. I feel warmth coming in. Internal sensations are important to me as a tree. There’s not much movement to distract me from deeply perceiving myself. People may come and hang around for a while, but then they’ll be gone. And birds may raise their young and enjoy my branches, but they, too move on… I know that what truly sustains me is my relationship with the basics: earth, sun, rain, air, and spirit—or whatever sense of myself I have.
This is why it’s good to develop a sense of ones self. Otherwise we are always measuring ourselves by our current friends, and others around us.
Going inward might offer the perspective of the tree. A person might see the impermanent nature of relationships with individuals, and see the value of our beautiful earth, sun, water, air, and have a fuller sense of the intangible yet knowable essence of “I”.
* yogi ponderings compliments of Yogic Muse *
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