January 20, 2011

Rediscovered! 1990s yoga videos ft. Bryan Kest…and a young Seane Corn!

Yoga Legends…in the 90s.

Recently, one of our star writers wrote a mild but loving critique of rockstar yogi Bryan Kest. One of the comments on said blog referred to some now-tacky, in-hindsight-funny 1990s videos of Bryan back in the 1990s that could be found on youtube. I found ’em—and yah, there he was, with a mane that’d do Tarzan proud and thermal underwear cutoffs beneath denim jean cutoffs…and nothing else…strutting around teaching yoga to a bunch of beautiful people.

I christened my blog Michael Bolton yoga, and thought I’d had my fun.

Then, one of the comments on Bolton Yoga mentioned Bryan Kest’s sexy “bedroom drishti” in another video in that series. I can never pass up a good title to a blog, so I went looking for that intro video. Haven’t found it yet, but…looking at the fourth video in the series, I was shocked to see a young Seane Corn—yes, the Seane Corn, one of elephant’s longtime yogi friends and a personal mentor/friend and the world-famous yoga teacher, without compare. And she’s in the class, not as a teacher of course, but as one of the model yogi students.

The full deal

Et, voila:


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