Have you ever received a video link from a friend that was for a long video? Wouldn’t it have been cool if they could have tagged the people in the video? And it would have been even better if they tagged the moment 3 minutes and 42 seconds into the video where your friend Alicia rocked the peacock pose in a yoga video, right?
There’s a new free iPhone app and Facebook app that lets you do this with YouTube videos and also videos that you shoot with your iPhone.
Full disclosure, BlipSnips, the company that built the app is my client. I don’t usually write about my clients, but in this case, I had to because the app is free (nothing to sell here) and people downloading it, including me, love it.
Social media has grown exponentially because people are hard wired to connect and seek validation. This is why we share opinions on Yelp, why we share thoughts and photos on Facebook and Twitter, and why being able to tag our friends and share moments on video is a great step forward in the social media ecosystem.
Instead of just shooting a video and uploading it to YouTube, now we can shoot a video, tag our friends, tag moments, share comments and load the video, to Facebook (the center of the social media universe) easily and quickly. According to YouTube over 700 billion videos were viewed in the last year. Imagine the seconds adding up to minutes, adding up to hours, saved simply by being able to start the video at the moment you want to watch rather than trying to forward to the funny, cool, or interesting part.
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With the Blipsnips iPhone app, you can tag all the kids in soccer video and share with other moms, tag the moment where Jon Stewart threw a zinger at Fox News, or comment on a video moment your best friend shared on Facebook. If you watch, shoot, or share videos it’s worth a free iPhone app download or a visit to the BlipSnips Facebook page to see how you’ll like videos made social.
Brett Greene is a co-founder of Hip Chameleon PR & Marketing and has a
Masters degree in psychology from Naropa University. The industries
he serves are eco-sustainability, health & wellness, education,
non-profits, technology, start-ups. After a decade and a half in the music
industry, he migrated to the Internet where he pioneered using online
technology to develop thriving web marketing programs. He blogs about social media, psychology and marketing.
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