February 8, 2011

Geeks Rejoice: New Free Trivia App for iPhone.

Group Trivia: Play the World

As a favor to our friend, Nick May, we want to promote his recently-released iPhone app. Look for Nick’s radio interview with Waylon, coming soon…

Group Trivia, the trivia game “for the rest of us”:

The questions are familiar, the games are limitless, and the competition is fierce. You can play with your co-worker in the next cube over or you can play with your high school friends from all across the country.

This time, you’re in charge.

Players set the length of each game, the number of questions to answer each hour and who they play with.

Challenge your friends, challenge your colleagues, but you better be fast, and you better not get too far from your phone.

Check out more rules and tips on the game’s website.

The Group Trivia application is available for free from the App Store, or iTunes.

Go ahead, play the world.

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