February 5, 2011

Mindful Crush #5: Gisele Bunchen. {Green, Yoga, Model, Sejaa}

Click here for some of our other “mindful crushes.”

Gisele Bunchen and her husband Tom Brady of Patriots’ football fame (who, apparently, live in a 20,000 square foot new home together) have been green-minded for some time. Perhaps she got the eco-bug from her activist ex-boyfriend slash most famous Hollywood greenie ever Leonardo DiCaprio. In any case, she’s taken things a step further, coming out with an eco bodycare line that is more than greenwashing feel-good yuppie bs—its packaging is eco-responsible, and her ads for the line communicate minimal make up, healthy living, and yoga.

She also seems to be loving her some yoga, as evidenced by interviews and photos.

Kudos and thanks on behalf of strong-yet-fragile Mother Earth!








Via the Sejaa site:

Developed by model, actress and environmental activist Gisele Bündchen, Sejaa is the result of many years of passionate development.

Driven by the desire to develop a line of pure and natural skincare, Gisele also wanted to create products with as little impact on the environment as possible. Using all-natural ingredients, calming fragrances, thoughtful packaging and recycled paper, Sejaa Pure Skincare was born.

The result? A revolutionary skincare line that protects and supports your skin’s natural radiance, while also protecting the health and beauty of our environment.

Sejaa plays on the sound of seja, which means “to be” in Gisele’s first language, Portuguese.

The long “aa” sound at the end of the name is reminiscent of the sacred Hindu syllable “om,” which is essential to the yoga and meditation that keeps Gisele’s busy life centered.

The Sejaa name is representative of our whole philosophy: To create products that not only nourish your skin, but your whole mind, body and soul.

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