February 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the Magical Circling of the Pole.

Probably not two demographics you want to bring together in online forums.

This is wrong on so many levels…children love Harry Potter. Leches love pole dancing.

While I am not a fan of what little I know about pole dancing, I know some women consider it empowering and all—reclaiming objectification and patriarchal terms in the way the magazine Bitch named itself, well, Bitch.

That said, I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, and…the msuic and video are just so. Well. Done. That I had to pass it along:

Harry Potter Pole Dance

This is pretty random.

If you like or dislike dubstep, cool whatever I have other videos that aren’t to dubstep, let’s not make this about the song. I’m not a stripper, I am a pole dancer. I might add it’s hard to extend in that room..but I think it turned out rather nice, don’t you think? Enjoy, muggles ^_~

Music: Harry Potter and the Half-Dub Remix by Terabyte Frenzy
(permission to use)
Filmed by Leo Kei Angelos

Now I’d love to see the big guy in Harry Potter who lives in the little hut do this.

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