February 12, 2011

Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Café: Renaissance on The Hill in Boulder, Colorado.

Innisfree, along with neighbor Café Aion and green, timeless standby Sink, Hapa Sushi, Espresso Roma…makes the Hill well worth the visit on a consistent basis.

Innisfree is cozy, but expanding into next-door space so spacious. One of only 3 only-poetry bookstores in US, apparently.

Would love to see bake case with more yummies, less plastic wrap, but hey this is coming from one of those eco bicyclist Boulder weirdos everyone likes to make fun of. They do plenty of “eco-minded” things—like compostable corn cups, which though far from perfect are far better than non-compostable, plastic.

Great coffee, service, nice owners, old-timey fun atmosphere. Lots of poetry readings. I find myself going frequently, now. You can even get coffee or tea etc to go out of window on the street.

It’s instantly one of my favorite cafes ever.

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