February 6, 2011

Katy Perry Rolling Stone Photoshop: when Beauty isn’t Perfect enough.

Two photos, Before and After Photoshop:

Let’s stop wishful-thinking our bodies.

>Read: Why I Will Always Choose to be a Little Bit Fat.

Rolling Stone was grassroots before MTV existed, man, and it sold out before MTV existed, too.

Via The Whoa:

“…look ^ at her right hand! Fake fingers ewwww!”

Spot the differences between the two photos. Before and after Photoshop:


Lots more comments here.

Photoshop she didn’t ask for, exposed:



There is a tonic, or antidote, to wanting to be other than we are. It’s called maitri (click here for more). It’s called unconditional friendliness toward ourselves. It’s simple. It’s hard.

You can get our Maitri course, here.

Mindfulness isn’t about gurus on mountaintops. It is about everyday life. It is about learning to make friends with oneself, as we are. Buying into perfection is aggression: aggression toward ourselves.

“A little perspective goes a long way…”

Relephant bonus:
The One way to get closer to genuine joy in this Life:

A simple Buddhist trick: how to be fully Happy:


For more amazeballs: “A 20-year-old model photographed as if she were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60 years old.”

And: How much do you look like your family? Photoshopped photos of relatives.


For more:

Photos: Before & After Photoshop.

photoshop media maitri

Photos: Before & After Photoshop.

Heartwarming Tearjerker: Autistic Girl duets with Katy Perry. {Video}

Math is Fun. {Katy Perry + Sesame Street = College Humor}

Videos of Perry: Puritanical Parents convince Sesame Street to cut Katy Perry appearance.

An antidote to all of the above:

Bonus: how to deal with Negativity:

Buddhist wisdom: How to make relationships last:

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