February 16, 2011

Top 10 Things to do if we want to Help Free Tibet.

Tibettruth‘s Ten Actions In Support Of A Free Tibet.

  1. Join The Boycott Of China’s Slave Labor Goods http://bit.ly/c2j8P7
  2. Learn About Tibet’s Independence  http://bit.ly/968dGE
  3. Put Tibet Back On The World Map http://bit.ly/auEaK3
  4. Discover How Alcohol Is Used As Another Oppressive Tool Against Tibetans http://bit.ly/cSdWL3
  5. See How Tourism Is Being Used by China To Further Exploit Tibetans http://bit.ly/9ZtRZ5
  6. Challenge Governments That Deny Tibet’s Nationhood http://bit.ly/cO2lYI
  7. Question Organizations Who Keep Silent on Medical Atrocities In Tibet http://bit.ly/cOrBzi
  8. Join Online Action for Ms. Yeshi Choedon, A Tibetan Political Prisoner http://bit.ly/d7cliD
  9. Email This Vital Report http://bit.ly/fNagQl To Your Senator http://bit.ly/Pcxlp
  10. Lobby Congress for Tibet’s Independence http://bit.ly/dpJPtm

    Updated more accurate maps via Tibet Truth. My personal apologies: prior maps “repeated a lie that Amdo region of Tibet (so-called Qinghai) is a Chinese province.” Most maps out there are indeed revisionist Communist lies. ~ ed.

For more info visit http://tibettruth.com

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