February 10, 2011

Why I ask our writers to pay $1/month to read elephant journal.

We’re asking everyone including myself to pay $1/month…interns have paid…that said if you don’t want to that’s perfectly alright. It’s not a question of appreciation. Here’s what we sent all columnists when we first created our paygate.

Read the bottom link (if you can).

We’ve put up a paygate so we can hire an editor and stop being broke and begging. It’s $1/month for everyone, including me and interns and columnists. If you don’t want to pay, that’s fine, just let me know. Just read the link below if you can first and let me know—either way is awesome.

Paygate is live: a moment of celebration.

With deep gratitude to our man Colin for hours (okay, weeks) of volunteering to build our backend, we now have a toll gate on elephantjournal.com, which asks readers to pay $1/month on the fourth article of the day. This will only effect 5% of our most loyal and avid readers. It’s still free to read a three articles every day, plus our home page (which doesn’t count as one of your three reads), and we’re encouraging folks to follow us on twitter and Facebook to choose which links to click up.

Our paygate is just $1/month. We want to keep it affordable for all.

Everyone, without exception, is being asked to pay. For more: elephantjournal.com/2010/11/elephants-new-paygate-less-per-month-than-one-cup-of-black-coffee/

Click here if you’d like to pay.



Waylon Lewis – founder: elephantjournal.com | host: Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis.

Ft. on 20 sites, incl. Huffington Post.

Waylon Lewis – founder: http://www.elephantjournal.com | host: Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis. Ft. on 20 sites, incl Huffington Post.
http://www.twitter.com/elephantjournal | http://www.facebook.com/elephantjournal | twitter.com/waylonlewis | facebook.com/waylonhlewis
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