March 15, 2011

100,000 gather: this Wisconsin Farmer’s speech inspires them all.

Family farmer Tony Schultz: “This is what democracy looks like.”

Since Monday, February 14, tens of thousands of Wisconsin residents have been flooding the State Capitol in Madison in protest of Governor Walker’s proposed budget “repair” bill that would end 50 years of collective bargaining for Wisconsin workers…for more.

A truly must-see, must-share video: “And we shall say no!” And when he kisses his wife at the end, I nearly cried.


“Family farmers, like the labor movement, value economic democracy. What is a union? [It’s] working people coming together to improve their lives. Today we stand here to say we reject this union busting bill; We reject this budget. Solidarity between the labor and the farm movement dates way back before even the populist movement. We fought together for the progressive income tax; We fought together for the 8 hour work day. ‘Our interests are identical because our enemies are identical.'”

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