March 20, 2011

Tibetan monk sets himself on fire to protest Chinese rule, is beaten, dies. Monks arrested, beaten.

Communist Chinese beat one of monks imprisoned after Tibetan Buddhist monk sets himself on fire, is beaten, dies.

Let’s remember this name.



“Phuntsog Jarutsang’s self-immolation is a window into the deep suffering and frustrations that Tibetans everywhere are feeling, and is an urgent cry for help that the global community cannot ignore.”

A report by a Tibet advocacy organization based in Washington, International Campaign for Tibet, or I.C.T., said that security officers doused Phuntsog’s flames, then beat and kicked him.

…for more, go to the New York Times.


…The incident took place in the market area of Ngaba town at around four in the afternoon of 16th March. When Phuntsog set himself alight, Chinese police arrived and put out the fire before beating him and attempting to move him into a waiting van. At this point reports say that a growing crowd of Tibetans moved in to protect Phuntsog from further beatings. “Chinese police and security people present in the area immediately came to the scene and kicked and beat him as they extinguished the flames” said Tsering, a monk at the ‘twinned’ Kirti monastery in India, which has connections with Kirti in Ngaba, Tibet. Reports confirm that Phuntsog has since died, probably as the result of burns.

Update: Amid heavy Communist security, thousands bravely attend funeral.

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