March 25, 2011

Top 6 Tricks For A Sweet Sleep. ~Neil Joss

Sweet Sleep Surrender

Sleep is an important part of our lives.

To dream re-organizes our thoughts our cells and our body systems.

Research has found that lack of sleep increases appetite. Good relaxation is one of the most important forms of nutrition.To recharge and re-assimilate and release stress. It is integral to good health.

Here are some suggestions for a great night sleep:

1. Create a peaceful sacred space in your bedroom. Invest in making your bedroom sumptuous and comfortable.

2. NO T.V. in the room, leave work on the lap-top for elsewhere. When you go to bed it should be with the intention to relax, it is down time. Put the rest of the world away you can pick it up tomorrow.

3. Most of us need 7-8 hours so keep hydrated throughout the day. Restrict drinking closer to bed- time. You want sleep as uninterrupted as possible. No bedtime tea or tipples. Rather drink 1 or 2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning.

4. Review your day with gratitude. Accept the things that didn’t go so well. Acknowledge them and then move on to 3 things that went well and express gratitude for them.

5. Try breathing to get off the negative round about, or turn your attention to your partner, if you have one with you, and have some loving fun. Not only will it get rid of any last energy keeping you awake, but is a good reason to go to bed instead of watching the news.

6. Create a good sleeping routine. The body can handle the occasional late night out but needs a regular bedtime. Listen to your body.

‘Sleep when you’re dead’ takes its toll. Burning the candle at both ends ages you and sleep deprivation is recognized as a human rights abuse. A good night’s peaceful sleep energizes you to take on the new challenges of the day and gives you the vigor to make your stand in the world with a smiling happy face.


Neil Joss is a Bikram yoga teacher of 3 years—standing and sweating. Neil has a holistic health counseling practice called Happier and Happier, where he helps people build more happiness in their lives through nutritional guidance and attaining their goals for their health indefinitely.

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