March 22, 2011

What makes life so difficult? Easy.

“A great deal of the chaos in the world occurs because people don’t appreciate themselves.” ~ Chögyam Trungpa


Affair to Remember: “What makes life so difficult?” Cary Grant: “People.”

Terry McKay ( Deborah Kerr ):

“What makes life so difficult?”

Nickie Ferrante ( Cary Grant ):


I probably refer to this quote once a month. Why’s life so hard? People.

Next question!


Interestingly, people, in the Buddhist tradition, are also one of the three jewels, the treasures that can help us along the path out of confusion and toward wakefulness. There’s no getting away, really, from chaos and love and loss and disappointment and deception. It’s the water we human fish swim in, what Buddhists call samsara.

We can, however, through meditation, begin to see through it and gain some sense of clarity and humor about our situation. And, if we can dedicate ourselves to helping others do so, too, our life might just become bearable, and occasionally really vivid and magical, in an ordinary way.

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